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November 02, 2010


Mikal McPherson

That's so wonderful that you've been able to ride the wave of this economy. Especially something like this business, which is often the first thing to go in a families budget.

It goes to show just how your creativity and hard work has paid off... they know when they have a GREAT person on board! So happy for you!


SO SO HAPPY for you Jayme.. u are indeed so blessed to hv such a great job! hugs xoxoxo LOVE YOU

Sasha "sweet thang" Holloway

That is wonderful. I use to complain about being in the military because of the hardships and stress that it put on my family. I had to snap out of it. I would love to shadow your job for a day just so I can see what it feels like to work for Making Memories LOL. Awesome girl ..

Stay blessed and hugs and smooches.

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